Thursday, June 24, 2010

How does hydro generate electricity?

Hydro solar geothermal wind these are all examples of renewable energy sources.Renewable energy is created by natural resources and can be changed into electricity.

Hydro is just another word for water.A hydro power plant is usally placed in the middle of a river hence the water can't come through.As a result fo this a lake is usally formed behind.

A Hydro dam uses water to generate electricity.First the water goes through the fish gate this helps stop fish from coming through.Then the water travels through the penstock which is a small tube just over 2 centimeters wide.Next the water flows through the turbines which are the main electronic part in making electricity.The turbines are a round hole at the back of the buildingInside these round opening are four big blades the water runs through the turbines as the blades are sping and the electricity made gose up to the generator.After that the electricity made goes through the powder lines then speard around a town or city for electricity.

Hydro power is a great way of generating electricity because the world has so much water and it doesn't harm the invironment.

By Hannah Joy Godard

1 comment:

celine malama said...